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Personal Tidying Trainer

This time of year the gyms are busier, people are looking to eat healthier and the wellness goals are through the roof! Also buzzing at the beginning of this year is the KonMari Method of organization. Since Marie Kondo premiered her Netflix program on January 1st everyone has been piling and purging like crazy. Before I get you all on board my KonMari bus let's take a closer look at what your goals are and focus our energy on the areas of your home that can be tidied to get you there.

The fitness goals you have can be easier to focus on by simply following the natural order of the KonMari Method. The first category to be tackled is clothing and this really does give you the push you need to get active. When sorting through your clothing I encourage you to not keep things that don't fit. Each person and situation is unique, however I find that in most cases when people achieve their goals in weight loss they don't want to wear what they've held onto, they want something new. For every time I say this I wish I had a nickel for the comments of "but I want to keep this/that/the other thing." Yes, keep that item, (its usually a special occasion dress or a pair of jeans), but certainly don't keep it all.

Opening your closet and having it filled with options that don't fit is not motivating. It also takes time and energy away from your morning that could be spent being active. Let go of what doesn't fit, focus on what does and feeling good in that while you work on fitness goals. If hitting the gym is part of your plan to get fit don't skip your workout clothes as part of you clothing category. For many people adding to their workout wardrobe over the years in an attempt to get motivated, has lead to a drawer that is likely overflowing. Sort this all out and again do not keep what doesn't fit or what you don't feel good in. Think of how many times you intend to work out during your usual laundry cycle. This is how I settle on what is the right amount to keep. For example if you do laundry once a week and intend to workout 4 times a week, you really only need 4 workout outfits to get moving. If your drawer is empty at the end of the week its a great tangible indication that you hit your fitness goal.

Another area of the home to focus on when completing the KonMari Method if wellness is your goal is the kitchen. Getting away from take out and meals that lack full nutrition is a big focus for many individuals and families. If the kitchen is not stocked and organized to support healthy meal prep this is hard to achieve. I often hear that people "hate their kitchen" and that it's "impossible to cook in there." What I really hear is that there is an opportunity to reorganize the kitchen for better function and sort out the pantry and fridge to make room for healthier choices. If pulling out a pot or pan is frustrating of course we are more likely to order for take out. If the counters are cluttered of course we don't want to fight the clutter and attempt to prep a meal. If the cupboards and fridge is full of out dated product and not easy to see what choices are available there will be no inspiration to make a healthier choice.

Take it all out, work in categories if needed. Go through your cookware, pots and pans. Look for doubles and donate. Look for pieces that just need to go and recycle responsibly. When that's done put them away in the space that gives them the most function. Now onto the fridge and pantry. Pull it all out. Toss what's old. If you have multiples of items that are still good, but you know you won't be eating, donate these to a food drive. By filling your party and fridge with the healthy choices and making it easier to prepare them in your newly organized kitchen and you will be more likely to achieve your health goals.

The act of organizing your space may be the accomplishment you need to keep ticking items off your wellness list. Looking at your space in a new way can lead to approaching the same goals you've likely set more than once in a new way. When we start on the path to wellness and get sidetracked it's always good to pull in a coach to steer you in the right direction. Perhaps a personal trainer, nutritionist, or naturopath. When looking to organize your space for wellness bringing in a professional organizer is your number one tool to ensure your success. Like your own personal tidying trainer! Make your goals happen this year, whatever they may be, by starting with your space and what is around you.

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